

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

InterSport – IS 101090395

The project will be an Erasmus Plus Sport Small Collaborative partnerships, according to Erasmus Plus
Programme rules.
“IS” general objective is to raise awareness on intersex-related issues in the field of sports, by bringing
together the key staff of five European sport/youth organizations in order to foster awareness-raising, mutual
learning, cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of intervention. As such, the project’s
specific objectives are to:

  • raise awareness on intersex-related issues in the field of sports through the study of available
    data and existing policies, the exchange of good practices with other sport/youth organizations
    and the direct dialogue with the target groups;
  • increase coaches’/trainers’/youth workers’ socio-professional skills in order to enable them to offer higher quality services and to better address intersex people’s needs through sports;
  • promote the exchange of good practices at the EU level and create transnational efforts in order
    to raise other sport organizations’ awareness as well as to promote continued partnerships on
    the theme of intervention. We are aware that to reach our GOAL we need to involve as many
    people as possible. We have defined a strategy of active involvement of heterogeneous
    stakeholders. It will be important to involve other European and national networks with the same
    mission of this project.



GAYCS is an Italian association specialized in the promotion of LGBTIAQ+ rights in the fields of sports and culture and works as the LGBT national department of AICS (Associazione Italiana Cutura Sport).
As such, it is in charge of coordinating all national initiatives linked to sport, culture and training to promote the rights of LGBTIAQ+ people. In addition to this, it provides legal and social advice through territorial help desks for LGBTIAQ+ people. GAYCS has territorial representations all over Italy and pursues the key objective to foster a stronger and stronger development of its territorial presence. Thanks to its vast territorial structure, GAYCS has developed strong partnerships with key stakeholders all over Italy and
in-depth relations with its local communities.
GAYCS can count on the support of a highly educated, skilled and motivated team of professionals. All
of them have a great expertise in the field of sport, culture and social inclusion, with a specific focus on
LGBTIAQ+ rights. Its team members have a set of key, complementary profiles, including non-formal
education, sports animation, youth work, project management, policy advice, law, promotion of human
rights and communication.
GAYCS has an excellent expertise in the organization and coordination of local, national and international
projects. At the national level, it has notably participated in the EUROPRIDE and ROMAPRIDE in Rome,
developed raising-awareness campaigns on the rights of LGBTIQ+ people and organized key initiatives,
notably with one of the present project partners (SOS Europa), such as the “Italian Gaymes” and the
“Euro Gaymes 2019”, a unique event that has united civil rights and sport and that has seen the
participation of +3000 people from all over the world. In the field of Erasmus+ Sport projects, it is the
coordinator of two key projects: “Run for Equality” (2019) and “It’s all about us” (2020).
In this context, after working on transgender people’s rights through the project “It’s all about us”, GAYCS
is trying to specialize more and more on the promotion of LGBTIAQ+ rights from a holistic point of view,
thus fostering a deeper knowledge of the most neglegted and vulnerable groups, including intersex
people. By enlarging its international collaborations, implementing collaborative study and designing
better ways to raise awareness, inform and build capacities on this theme, GAYCS aims to build the
foundations, through this Small Collaborative Partnership, to launch more in-depth projects and
researches in the future, notably through an upcoming Collaborative Partnership that will build upon the
present project’s learnings and outcomes in the field of sport and intersex people.
GAYCS can also count on its internal team to provide operational support to the project whenever needed
and in a variety of fields (burocratic issues, external relations, institutional and academic partnerships,
overall discussions, etc.).


SOS EUROPA is an independent association of social promotion based in Rome, Italy. Its aim is to
promote active European citizenship, youth empowerment and equal opportunities for all, while
contributing to improve social integration inside and outside the Union. Its fields of intervention include
youth empowerment, education to active citizenship, promotion of youth work and development of awareness, social consciousness and competencies, with a special focus on young people at risk of marginalization.Its team is composed of seven young, talented and multilingual professionals, specialized in law, human rights, youth work, non-formal education, communication and project management. All of them have strong international experiences, including in the coordination, participation and dissemination of Erasmus+ projects. In the field of sport, SOS Europa is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ Sport project “Being Active! – Sports as instruments for active citizenship”. The Association is also partner, together with GAYCS, of the third edition of “Italian Gaymes” and of “Euro Gaymes 2019”. In the field of youth, SOS Europa in 2016 has created and coordinated the KA3 Erasmus+ project “Young Leaders International Meeting” and, based on its success, has launched other editions of it. Currently, SOS Europa is the coordinator of the KA3 Erasmus+ project “Young Leaders Italia” and of the KA2 Erasmus+ project “Youth Workers International Networks”.

Youth Hrizon, Greece

Youth Horizons (YoHo) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Megara, Greece, a historical
seaside town. YoHo was founded in 2014 in order to support and materialize the ideas, needs and
initiatives of our youth community. Priority of YoHo is to give the opportunity to young people, people with fewer opportunities and people who feel and act as young to gain experiences that expand their horizons both abroad and in local level (volunteering, educative, social, cultural, environmental, athletic interactive activities). YoHo, by having as its benchmark the understanding of the European and International diversity and mobility, enables young people to participate in activities abroad such as: youth exchanges, training courses, apv, cme, evs etc. Through their co-existence with young people from different cultures, the involved people share ideas, goals, knowledge, concerns, traditions and gain skills and competences essential for their life paths. Furthermore, they develop the way of thinking and acting in their societies and expand their spiritual and experiential horizons… their ‘Youth Horizons’.

Asociación Multideportiva (AM) Euexia, Spain

AM Euexia is a Spanish non-profit association dedicated to the promotion of sports among young people.
Its main activities include summer camps for children, youth and persons with intellectual disability, activities promoting social inclusion in schools, sport activities with patients of fellow associations, work camps with national and international volunteers. It has also developed collaborations with the Psychiatri Center of Plasencia (Caceres) in the field of sport activities. AM Euexia’s team is composed of professionals with Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sports and a long-lasting experience in youth work and Erasmus+ Programme. All members are EVS ex-volunteers and have an international background and a great expertise in sports animation and promotion. AM Euexia also has a great experience in the coordination of national and international projects, with a strong focus on Erasmus+, especially EVS and youth exchanges projects, where it has given its contribution both as a project partner and as a project coordinator. It has notably been the coordinator of the E+ project “Youth Care through Associationism”.


Il 29 gennaio 2023, a Megara, in Grecia, si è tenuto il Kick off meeting del progetto interSPORT-IS (ID 101090395), con la partecipazione di un totale di 12 rappresentanti delle associazioni consorziate (GAYCS, SOS EUROPA, EUEXIA e YOUTH HORIZONS). Questo incontro ha permesso di potenziare le sinergie, la comprensione reciproca, la costruzione del team e ha gettato le basi per una cooperazione efficiente, strutturata e sostenibile. Sono state affrontate questioni legate alla gestione del progetto e al coordinamento dei partner, inclusi approfondimenti operativi sul budget, sulle attività, sull’agenda, sulla strategia di implementazione e sugli esiti attesi. Questa sessione ha incluso anche la definizione di una strategia specifica per l’analisi, la gestione e la mitigazione dei rischi, nonché per la diffusione, la comunicazione, il monitoraggio e la valutazione. Un momento specifico è stato dedicato alla pianificazione di tutti gli incontri di coordinamento e alla chiarificazione del ruolo di ciascun partner e dei loro contributi attesi.

Prima di questo meeting, tutti i partner hanno svolto collettivamente un lavoro preparatorio esteso, che ha coinvolto una serie di questionari volti a valutare il livello di conoscenza riguardo all’argomento intersex nel mondo dello sport. Sondaggi mirati alle comunità locali delle organizzazioni partecipanti, gruppi target specifici e utenti/membri in generale, così come le comunità di altre organizzazioni sportive e associazioni locali legate all’intersex, con gli obiettivi di: i. Analizzare le esigenze dei gruppi target, le difficoltà specifiche riscontrate e il livello attuale di partecipazione nello sport. ii. Raccogliere dati chiave sulle percezioni e pratiche comuni, specialmente legate alle questioni intersex nello sport.

Il kick off meeting è stato anche un momento per discutere i risultati di questi questionari, al fine di comprendere appieno il punto di partenza dei partecipanti riguardo all’argomento intersex nello sport. I questionari hanno evidenziato che ancora si sa troppo poco sull’intersex, in particolare nel mondo dello sport. Questo lascia le associazioni sportive impreparate ad accogliere atleti intersex. Nel pomeriggio, l’attenzione si è spostata verso l’aumento della consapevolezza e l’avvio delle discussioni sulle questioni intersex nello sport attraverso discussioni interattive, brainstorming, scambio di idee, riflessioni e condivisione delle migliori pratiche. Questa sessione è stata particolarmente importante a causa della limitata disponibilità di dati, conoscenze e informazioni attualmente disponibili su questo argomento. Alla fine del meeting, i partecipanti hanno acquisito una maggiore consapevolezza sull’argomento intersex nello sport, rafforzando ulteriormente il loro ruolo di leadership per le prossime attività delineate nel progetto.

On January 29, 2023, in Megara, Greece, the kick-off meeting of the interSPORT-IS project (ID 101090395) took place, with the participation of a total of 12 representatives from consortium associations (GAYCS, SOS EUROPA, EUEXIA E YOUTH HORIZONS). This meeting allowed for the enhancement of synergies, mutual understanding, team building, and laid the foundation for efficient, structured, and sustainable cooperation. Issues related to project management and partner coordination were addressed, including operational discussions on the budget, activities, agenda, implementation strategy, and expected outcomes. This session also included the definition of a specific strategy for risk analysis, risk management, and risk mitigation, as well as for dissemination, communication, monitoring, and evaluation. A specific moment was also dedicated to planning all coordination meetings and clarifying the role of each partner and their expected contributions.

Before this meeting, all partners collectively conducted extensive preparatory work, which involved a series of questionnaires aimed at assessing the level of knowledge about the intersex topic related to the world of sports. These surveys targeted local communities of participating organizations, specific target groups, and overall users/members, as well as communities of other sports organizations and local associations related to intersex, with the objectives of: i. Analyzing the needs of target groups, specific difficulties encountered, and the current level of participation in sports. ii. Gathering key data on common perceptions and practices, especially related to intersex issues in sports.

The kick-off meeting was also a moment to discuss the results of these questionnaires, in order to fully understand the starting point of the participants regarding the intersex topic in sports. The questionnaires highlighted that there is still too little known about intersex, particularly in the world of sports. This leaves sports associations unprepared to accommodate intersex athletes. In the afternoon, the focus shifted towards increasing awareness and initiating discussions on intersex issues in sports through interactive discussions, brainstorming, idea exchange, reflections, and sharing of best practices. This session was particularly important due to the limited availability of data, knowledge, and information currently available on this topic. By the end of the meeting, participants gained greater awareness of the intersex topic in sports, further strengthening their leadership for the upcoming activities outlined in the project.


Il 29 maggio 2023 si è svolto Roma il secondo incontro internazionale, del progetto InterSPORT – IS ( ID:101090395), finanziato dalla commissione europea, sotto il programma Erasmus+.

La riunione si è aperta con la presentazione dei risultati dei sondaggi, preparati prima del kick off: Ogni organizzazione partner ha i risultati dei sondaggi implementati all’interno della propria comunità locale/gruppi target. Tali risultati sono stati utili per orientare i prossimi gruppi di discussione con i gruppi target al fine di discutere insieme alcuni dei principali dati/risultati ottenuti, e per validarli, approfondirli e comprenderli meglio. Le presentazioni sono state seguite da discussioni di gruppo e dall’individuazione congiunta di orientamenti operativi e strategici provvisori.

Inoltre, è stato dato spazio a gruppi di discussione con rappresentanti di Associazioni locali che lavorano nel campo delle questioni legate a LGBTIAQ+ e intersex. Il loro invito a partecipare all’incontro ha favorito il dialogo, la condivisione di prospettive e la promozione di future cooperazioni. Il coinvolgimento diretto e la partecipazione attiva dei gruppi target all’interno del progetto sono stati fondamentali per facilitare una comprensione più profonda delle loro prospettive, condividere i loro testimonianze dirette, scambiare buone pratiche e approcci strategici con loro e promuovere interventi di qualità superiore.

La seconda parte della giornata, è stata dedicata a esercitazioni pratiche, attività di gruppo e discussioni interattive e simulazioni. I partecipanti hanno lavorato insieme per stilare delle linee guida mirate a migliorare le competenze socio-professionali dei partecipanti al fine di promuovere approcci inclusivi, sicuri e amici delle persone intersex.

On May 29, 2023, the second international meeting of the InterSPORT – IS project (ID: 101090395), funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program, took place in Rome.
The meeting began with the presentation of survey results, which were prepared before the kick-off. Each partner organization has implemented the survey results within their own local community/target groups. These results were useful in guiding the upcoming focus group discussions with the target groups to collectively discuss some of the key data/results obtained, validate them, delve deeper, and better understand them. The presentations were followed by group discussions and the joint identification of provisional operational and strategic guidelines.
Moreover, space was given to discussion groups with representatives from local associations working on issues related to the LGBTIAQ+ and intersex communities. Their invitation to participate in the meeting facilitated dialogue, sharing perspectives, and promoting future collaborations. The direct involvement and active participation of the target groups within the project were crucial in facilitating a deeper understanding of their perspectives, sharing their direct testimonies, exchanging good practices and strategic approaches with them, and promoting interventions of higher quality.
The second part of the day was dedicated to practical exercises, group activities, interactive discussions, and simulations. The participants worked together to develop targeted guidelines to enhance the socio-professional skills of the participants in order to promote inclusive, safe, and intersex-friendly approaches.


Il 9 novembre 2023 si è svolto il III Meeting Internazionale del progetto InterSPORT – IS (ID: 101090395), finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.

Questo progetto, scritto e gestito dall’associazione GAYCS, ha visto la partecipazione di associazioni quali EUEXIA, YOUTH HORIZONS, SOS EUROPA e lo stesso GAYCS.
L’incontro, tenutosi a Plasencia, in Spagna, ha portato alla redazione di un rapporto finale di diffusione con l’obiettivo di riassumere i risultati di apprendimento, gli scambi, le conclusioni e i dati raccolti nel progetto, con l’intento di sensibilizzare sulle questioni legate alle persone intersex nello sport.
La giornata è stata caratterizzata da workshop creativi e interattivi, gruppi di lavoro, esercitazioni/pratiche e attività di brainstorming, con l’obiettivo di permettere ai partecipanti di condividere le migliori pratiche, scambiare idee, cooperare e lavorare collettivamente per identificare interventi prioritari da affrontare nei futuri progetti condivisi.

Al fine di promuovere l’inclusione delle persone intersex nello sport, i partecipanti hanno prima analizzato i possibili problemi che potrebbero incontrare, per poi lavorare su soluzioni potenziali. Inoltre, i partecipanti hanno collaborato alla creazione dello slogan “SPORTS INTERSEXTS US ALL!!” progettato appositamente per rafforzare il concetto di inclusione delle persone intersex nello sport!

La giornata si è conclusa con delle video interviste realizzate dai partecipanti, anche per valutare l’impatto di questo progetto sulle loro vite.

On November 9, 2023, the III International Meeting of the InterSPORT – IS project (ID: 101090395), funded by the European Commission, took place. This project, written and managed by the GAYCS association, saw the participation of associations such as EUEXIA, YOUTH HORIZONS, SOS EUROPA, and GAYCS itself.

 The meeting, held in Plasencia, Spain, led to the development of a final dissemination report aimed at summarizing the project’s learning outcomes, exchanges, conclusions, and data collected, with the goal of raising awareness about issues related to intersex individuals in sports.

The day was characterized by creative and interactive workshops, working groups, exercises/practices, and brainstorming activities, aiming to allow participants to share best practices, exchange ideas, cooperate, and collectively work towards identifying priority interventions to be addressed in future shared projects. In order to promote the inclusion of intersex individuals in sports, participants first analyzed the possible issues they may encounter, and subsequently worked on potential solutions. Additionally, participants collaborated on creating a slogan “SPORTS INTERSEXTS US ALL!!” specifically designed to reinforce the concept of inclusion of intersex individuals in sports! The day concluded with video interviews conducted by the participants, also aiming to assess the impact of this project on their lives.